Research Area

Battery Research

We tackle the three key challenges in EV industry by developing various multi-physics simulation tools.
We consider various physical phenomena simulataneously to enhance battery performance, life, and safety. We can simulate battery behavior at electrode-, cell-, module-, and pack-level.
REAL offers a variety of battery simulation tools at various length scales and dimensions.
Our 3D battery multi-physics simulation tools based on Multi-scale Multi-dimension (MSMD) Approach enables electochemical-thermal simulations of large-format cells. This is critical for optimizing their form factors to meet required specifications such as pack-level charging times, high-current performance, and driving range. Our battery simulation tools, based on Ansys Fluent, can be easily coupled with general battery thermal management systems with different cooling and heating arrangements.
We are one of the world leaders in battery safety research.
Prof. Kim developed the very first tool for battery fire CFD simulation. This tool allows us to predict pressure and flow behavior in battery cells, as well as turbulent combustion behavior outside of battery cells due to the jet flow coming out from safety vents. This tool was later implemented in a commercial CFD software, Converge CFD.
REAL's battery simulation tools utilize cutting-edge numerical algorithms.
Our in-house Newman's pseudo-two-dimensional (P2D) model equipped with robust numerical algorithms can simulate batteries at extreme operating conditions, such as extreme-fast-charging (XFC) over a wide range of temperatures and material properties. This tool is essential for developing tailored protocols for cold-start and direct-current fast charging (DCFC) applications.

Selected Publications

  1. A robust numerical treatment of solid-phase diffusion in pseudo two-dimensional lithium-ion battery models
  2. J. Kim*, A. Mallarapu, S. Santhanagopalan, J. Newman Journal of Power Sources (2023)

  3. A Comprehensive Numerical and Experimental Study for the Passive Thermal Management in Battery Modules and Packs
  4. J. Kim*, C. Yang, J. Lamb, A. Kurzawski, J. Hewson, L. Torres-Castro, A. Mallarapu, S. Santhanagopalan Journal of the Electrochemical Society (2022)

  5. Modeling cell venting and gas-phase reactions in 18650 lithium ion batteries during thermal runaway
  6. J. Kim, A. Mallarapu, D. F. Finegan, S. Santhanagopalan* Journal of Power Sources (2021)

  7. Transport Processes in a Li-ion Cell during an Internal Short-Circuit
  8. J. Kim, A. Mallarapu, S. Santhanagopalan* Journal of the Electrochemical Society (2020)

  9. Modeling Extreme Deformations in Lithium-ion Batteries
  10. A. Mallarapu, J. Kim, K. Carney, P. Du Bois, S. Santhanagopalan* eTransportation (2020)

Fuel Cell Research

One of the major challenges facing the fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) industry is its high cost. However, manufacturers can reduce production costs by enhancing the operating current density of fuel cell electrodes. To enhance the operating current density of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs), it is crucial to optimize the electrodes to ensure facile oxygen transport and efficient liquid water management.
Prof. Kim developed a simulation tool that considers the two-phase Forchheimer's inertial effect. This simulation demonstrates that the two-phase Forchheimer's inertial effect facilitates liquid water removal in the cathode flow channels and electrodes, which in turn leads to improved oxygen transport during high-current density operation.

Selected Publications

  1. Two-dimensional modeling for physical processes in direct flame fuel cells
  2. J. Kim*, A. Tyagi, Y. Kim International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2019)

  3. A multipoint voltage-monitoring method for fuel cell inconsistency analysis
  4. Z. Hu, L. Xu**, J. Li*, Q. Q. Gan, X. Xu, M. Ouyang, Z. Song, J. Kim Energy Conversion and Management (2018)

  5. Modeling liquid water re-distribution in bi-porous layer flow-fields of proton exchange membrane fuel cells
  6. J. Kim, G. Luo, C.Y. Wang* Journal of Power Sources (2018)

  7. Modeling two-phase flow in three-dimensional complex flow-fields of proton exchange membrane fuel cells
  8. J. Kim, G. Luo, C.Y. Wang* Journal of Power Sources (2017)